Practice Dutch

If you are looking for opportunities for practising your Dutch, we can offer you language courses for children, chat cafés, easy-to-follow theatre performances, booklets with words and pictures and much more.

Taalkampjes tijdens de zomer

Op zoek naar een leuk Nederlands taalkamp vol avontuur? Van 19 tot 23 augustus en van 26 tot 30 augustus slaan we de handen in elkaar met SPORT EN OPLEIDING VZW om jouw kinderen een week lang te laten genieten van taal en spel!

Locatie: GC de Bosuil

Leeftijd: 3de kleuterklas tot 6e leerjaar

Prijs: €150

Uren: 08:00 - 17:00 u

Inschrijven kan via de website van Sport en Opleiding vzw:

© David Legrève


Are you new parents or grandparents? Would you like to get to know other (grand)parents from the area? Catch up on the latest news or gossip, share tips and ideas, enjoy a cup of coffee and a biscuit together? Then the Bosuil Babycafé in the Bosuil is highly recommended for you and your child(ren).

Café Combinne

If you fancy having a pleasant chat in Dutch, Café Combinne is the place to practice the language and meet people from your neighbourhood. We talk about everyday issues. Coffee, tea and water are available free of charge.

© David Legrève

Practise Dutch in your leisure time

For those of you looking for a fun way of trying out their Dutch in their free time, how about cooking or crafting? Or maybe you prefer sports or just chatting? Or would you like to learn something completely new?

© David Legrève

Dutch language lessons

Non-Dutch speaking adults in Overijse are invited to learn Dutch in a small-group format, with lessons being provided by the Overijse municipal authority, Crescendo CVO and Ligo (Centrum voor Basiseducatie).


Wil je graag materialen gebruiken om Nederlands te oefenen? Kom langs in het gemeenschapscentrum en ontdek welke materialen we ter beschikking hebben.

Language icons

Our community centre offers many activities in the Dutch language. These are ideal for people learning Dutch. Use the explanations linked to the language icons to choose an activity.