Suggestions for adults

  • Join a Dutch-speaking sports club or association. Check out your local authority's website for further details. Or ask for information at the leisure, sports, culture or youth department in your municipality.
  • Listen to Dutch-language radio.
  • Watch Dutch-language TV programmes or read Dutch subtitles. You will find it much easier if you pick programmes that suit your tastes, such as soap operas, game shows, the news ...
  • Read the news in newspapers and on websites for Dutch speakers or read a book in Dutch (such as the Wablieft books or the Lezen voor Iedereen publications.
  • Visit a Dutch-language chat café, such as Café Combinne in Flemish Brabant or Babbelut in Brussels.
  • Attend a Dutch-language theatrical performance, film or concert. A detailed programme is available at UiT in Vlaanderen.
  • Talk Dutch whenever you can, with for example your neighbours, colleagues, etc ... The Patati website is a great way of finding someone to practice Dutch with:
  • Try out your Dutch when you go shopping. Prepare a shopping list with words you know. Find words and illustrations for your shopping list in the pictogram booklet No. 1. Tell people you are learning Dutch and try to order in Dutch